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Training courses

Training courses

Training courses

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Request to register for a training course

Requesting the trainee in the various branches of evaluation to register to attend one of the training courses.

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Request to register for a test

Requesting the trainee in the various branches of evaluation to register to attend a test for one of the training courses or to register for professional tests for the levels.

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Request to cancel registration in a training course or test

The trainee in the various evaluation branches requested to cancel registration in one of the training courses or one of its tests.

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Request to Register for a Retest

Requesting the trainee in the various branches of assessment to register to re-test one of the training courses that he did not pass or that he missed, or to register to re-test one of the combined tests.

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Request to change registration for another training course

The trainee in the various evaluation branches requested to change his registration for another training course.

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Request to re-correct a test

The trainee in the various assessment branches requested to re-correct the test and verify the final grade.


The words and expressions mentioned in this policy shall have the meanings indicated in front of each of them in Article (One) of the Accredited Valuers System issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 9/7/1433 AH and its amendments, and Article (One) of the Executive Regulations of the System issued by the decision of His Excellency the Minister Finance No. (107) dated 1/28/1445 AH, and Article (1) of the general rules for the Authority’s fellowship certificate issued by the Authority’s Board of Directors Resolution No. (3/40/M/23) dated 1/6/1445 AH.


The words and expressions mentioned in this policy shall have the meanings indicated in front of each of them in Article (One) of the Accredited Valuers System issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 9/7/1433 AH and its amendments, and Article (One) of the Executive Regulations of the System issued by the decision of His Excellency the Minister Finance No. (107) dated 1/28/1445 AH, and Article (1) of the general rules for the Authority’s fellowship certificate issued by the Authority’s Board of Directors Resolution No. (3/40/M/23) dated 1/6/1445 AH.

General Provisions
  1. The applicant must - before registering in the levels - ensure that he fulfills the legal requirements contained in the system, regulations, rules, and what is issued by the Authority in this regard, and the competent administration has the right to verify this at all levels and exclude the violating applicant.
  2. The competent administration shall announce - before the beginning of each fiscal year - the annual plan for the implementation dates of training courses, tests and discussions, their locations, and any amendments to the Authority’s electronic systems.
  3. Registration for scheduled training courses, tests, and discussions opens sufficiently in advance of the date of their holding, and registration for them is through the Authority’s electronic systems.
  4. Each of the curricula mentioned in Article Three of this policy shall have an independent written or practical test unless the curriculum includes preparing and discussing an applied practical project.
  5. The period for submitting the applied practical project for discussion in the branches (valuing real estate, valuing machinery, equipment and movable property, and valuing precious metals and gemstones) is (one hundred and eighty) days and in the branch (valuing economic establishments) (three hundred and sixty-five) days, which begins to be calculated from the day following the date of The end of the training course related to the discussion or from the date of the last session in the training track, or from the date the applicant was informed of not passing the discussion - as the case may be -.
  6. Each level is a requirement for registration in the next level.
  7. The academic qualifications that are equivalent to some level curricula are determined by a decision from the CEO, and this equation results in the applicant being considered to have passed the training course for those curricula. The equivalence of some level curricula does not prejudice the statutory requirements contained in the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession for passing the level, including the applicant’s availability of a valid membership for registration. At the second level and above.
General Provisions
  1. The applicant must - before registering in the levels - ensure that he fulfills the legal requirements contained in the system, regulations, rules, and what is issued by the Authority in this regard, and the competent administration has the right to verify this at all levels and exclude the violating applicant.
  2. The competent administration shall announce - before the beginning of each fiscal year - the annual plan for the implementation dates of training courses, tests and discussions, their locations, and any amendments to the Authority’s electronic systems.
  3. Registration for scheduled training courses, tests, and discussions opens sufficiently in advance of the date of their holding, and registration for them is through the Authority’s electronic systems.
  4. Each of the curricula mentioned in Article Three of this policy shall have an independent written or practical test unless the curriculum includes preparing and discussing an applied practical project.
  5. The period for submitting the applied practical project for discussion in the branches (valuing real estate, valuing machinery, equipment and movable property, and valuing precious metals and gemstones) is (one hundred and eighty) days and in the branch (valuing economic establishments) (three hundred and sixty-five) days, which begins to be calculated from the day following the date of The end of the training course related to the discussion or from the date of the last session in the training track, or from the date the applicant was informed of not passing the discussion - as the case may be -.
  6. Each level is a requirement for registration in the next level.
  7. The academic qualifications that are equivalent to some level curricula are determined by a decision from the CEO, and this equation results in the applicant being considered to have passed the training course for those curricula. The equivalence of some level curricula does not prejudice the statutory requirements contained in the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession for passing the level, including the applicant’s availability of a valid membership for registration. At the second level and above.

First: The levels in all approved evaluation branches shall not be less than (three) levels, and the following is a description of them and the contents of each of them according to the following: 

  1. The first level: A set of foundational knowledge, concepts, and values related to the main and subsidiary competencies of the assessment according to each branch, which is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. Training course for the (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) curriculum, code No. (102).
      3. Training course for the “Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures” curriculum, code No. (103).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Business Evaluation Competencies) curriculum, code number (200).
      3. Training course for the “Principles of Business Evaluation” curriculum, code No. (201).
      4. The training course for the “Income Method” curriculum, code No. (202).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) curriculum, code No. (401).
      3. The training course for the curriculum (general concepts about workshops and their evaluation procedures), code number (402).
    4. Vehicle damage assessment branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Evaluation Profession) curriculum, code No. (300).
      2. Training course for the (Vehicle Body Manufacturing and Design) curriculum, code No. (301).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Basics of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (501).
  2. The second level: It is based structurally on the (first) level, and through it the concepts and knowledge are linked, analysed, and applied to the evaluation profession according to each branch, in a more in-depth manner and in a functional manner that is directly related to the profession, and is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch. It is as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety) curriculum, code No. (104).
      2. Training course for the (Real Estate Valuation Using Market and Income Methods) curriculum, code No. (105).
      3. The training course for the (market analysis, higher studies, and best use of the property) curriculum, code No. (106).
      4. The training course for the curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork with code No. (107).
    2. Economic Establishments Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (203).
      2. The training course for the (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (204).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - General Industries) curriculum, code No. (403).
      2. The training course for the curriculum (Applied Evaluation of Factories, Machinery and Equipment – Specialized Industries) with code No. (404).
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (the repair process and the necessary techniques in building the vehicle and the materials used) code No. (302).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Topics in Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) with Code No. (502).
  3. The third level: represents the advanced depth of competencies, and is based structurally on the (first) and (second) levels, and through it all levels of learning are evaluated, and the applicant’s performance is measured through objective tests, and advanced applied projects within the training path for study cases that include an evaluation of various principles. Types according to each branch, and presenting a project prepared and discussed by the applicant. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Real Estate Development and Evaluation Using the Residual Value Method) curriculum, code No. (108).
      2. Training course for the (Land Economics and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (109).
      3. The training course for the (Application of Accounting, Finance, and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) curriculum, code No. (110).
      4. Training course for the (Financial Instruments Analysis and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (111).
      5. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) with Code No. (112).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Intangible Assets Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (205).
      2. Presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - Supplementary Project) curriculum, code No. (405), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Study Cases for Vehicle Damage Evaluation) curriculum No. (303), and practical cases for vehicle damage evaluation.
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Supplementary Project for Evaluating Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (503), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
  4. The fourth level: represents the advanced stages of competencies in some branches of assessment that require intensive qualification, and is based structurally on the previous levels, and through it the applicant’s performance is measured through advanced applied projects within the training track for study cases that include evaluation of assets of various types according to each branch, and the presentation of a project. Prepared by the applicant and discussed. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (fourth) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Commercial Real Estate Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (113/114), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
      2. The training course for the (Evaluation of Hotels, Recreational and Historical Properties) curriculum No. (115/116), presenting and discussing an applied practical project.

Second: The requirements for passing the levels for all approved assessment branches are as follows: 

  1. Attending training courses for the approved curricula at the levels at a rate of no less than (75%) of the duration of each individual course, as an exception to this; The applicant has the right to register directly for the tests without attending the training courses - exclusively - in the following curricula:
    1. Curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) Code No. (001).
    2. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) Code No. (102).
    3. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures) Code No. (103).
    4. Approach (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Occupational Health and Safety Principles) Code No. (104).
    5. (Real estate valuation using market and income methods) approach, code number (105).
    6. Methodology (market analysis and studies of the highest and best use of the property) with code No. (106).
    7. Curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork) Code No. (107).
    8. (Real estate development and evaluation using the residual value method) approach, code No. (108).
    9. Curriculum (Economics of Land and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (109).
    10. Curriculum (Application of Accounting, Finance and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) Code No. (110).
    11. Curriculum (Analysis of Financial Instruments and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (111).
    12. Approach (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) Code No. (112).
    13. (Business Evaluation Competencies) Curriculum No. (200).
    14. (Business Evaluation Principles) Curriculum No. (201).
    15. The (income method) approach, code number (202).
    16. Curriculum (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (203).
    17. Curriculum (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (204).
    18. Curriculum (Valuation of Intangible Assets and Advanced Topics) Code No. (205).
    19. Curriculum (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) Code No. (401).
    20. Curriculum (General Concepts of Workshops and Evaluation Procedures) Code No. (402).
    21. Curriculum (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Assessment Profession) Code No. (300).
    22. Curriculum (Fundamentals of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) Code No. (501).
  2. Achieving a score of no less than (70) out of (100) in each written, practical, or discussion test - as the case may be - and as an exception to that; The score required for success in the Vehicle Damage Evaluation branch is no less than (80) out of (100) in each written or practical test - as the case may be -.

First: The levels in all approved evaluation branches shall not be less than (three) levels, and the following is a description of them and the contents of each of them according to the following: 

  1. The first level: A set of foundational knowledge, concepts, and values related to the main and subsidiary competencies of the assessment according to each branch, which is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. Training course for the (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) curriculum, code No. (102).
      3. Training course for the “Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures” curriculum, code No. (103).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Business Evaluation Competencies) curriculum, code number (200).
      3. Training course for the “Principles of Business Evaluation” curriculum, code No. (201).
      4. The training course for the “Income Method” curriculum, code No. (202).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) curriculum, code No. (401).
      3. The training course for the curriculum (general concepts about workshops and their evaluation procedures), code number (402).
    4. Vehicle damage assessment branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Evaluation Profession) curriculum, code No. (300).
      2. Training course for the (Vehicle Body Manufacturing and Design) curriculum, code No. (301).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Basics of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (501).
  2. The second level: It is based structurally on the (first) level, and through it the concepts and knowledge are linked, analysed, and applied to the evaluation profession according to each branch, in a more in-depth manner and in a functional manner that is directly related to the profession, and is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch. It is as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety) curriculum, code No. (104).
      2. Training course for the (Real Estate Valuation Using Market and Income Methods) curriculum, code No. (105).
      3. The training course for the (market analysis, higher studies, and best use of the property) curriculum, code No. (106).
      4. The training course for the curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork with code No. (107).
    2. Economic Establishments Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (203).
      2. The training course for the (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (204).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - General Industries) curriculum, code No. (403).
      2. The training course for the curriculum (Applied Evaluation of Factories, Machinery and Equipment – Specialized Industries) with code No. (404).
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (the repair process and the necessary techniques in building the vehicle and the materials used) code No. (302).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Topics in Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) with Code No. (502).
  3. The third level: represents the advanced depth of competencies, and is based structurally on the (first) and (second) levels, and through it all levels of learning are evaluated, and the applicant’s performance is measured through objective tests, and advanced applied projects within the training path for study cases that include an evaluation of various principles. Types according to each branch, and presenting a project prepared and discussed by the applicant. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Real Estate Development and Evaluation Using the Residual Value Method) curriculum, code No. (108).
      2. Training course for the (Land Economics and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (109).
      3. The training course for the (Application of Accounting, Finance, and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) curriculum, code No. (110).
      4. Training course for the (Financial Instruments Analysis and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (111).
      5. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) with Code No. (112).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Intangible Assets Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (205).
      2. Presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - Supplementary Project) curriculum, code No. (405), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Study Cases for Vehicle Damage Evaluation) curriculum No. (303), and practical cases for vehicle damage evaluation.
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Supplementary Project for Evaluating Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (503), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
  4. The fourth level: represents the advanced stages of competencies in some branches of assessment that require intensive qualification, and is based structurally on the previous levels, and through it the applicant’s performance is measured through advanced applied projects within the training track for study cases that include evaluation of assets of various types according to each branch, and the presentation of a project. Prepared by the applicant and discussed. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (fourth) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Commercial Real Estate Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (113/114), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
      2. The training course for the (Evaluation of Hotels, Recreational and Historical Properties) curriculum No. (115/116), presenting and discussing an applied practical project.

Second: The requirements for passing the levels for all approved assessment branches are as follows: 

  1. Attending training courses for the approved curricula at the levels at a rate of no less than (75%) of the duration of each individual course, as an exception to this; The applicant has the right to register directly for the tests without attending the training courses - exclusively - in the following curricula:
    1. Curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) Code No. (001).
    2. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) Code No. (102).
    3. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures) Code No. (103).
    4. Approach (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Occupational Health and Safety Principles) Code No. (104).
    5. (Real estate valuation using market and income methods) approach, code number (105).
    6. Methodology (market analysis and studies of the highest and best use of the property) with code No. (106).
    7. Curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork) Code No. (107).
    8. (Real estate development and evaluation using the residual value method) approach, code No. (108).
    9. Curriculum (Economics of Land and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (109).
    10. Curriculum (Application of Accounting, Finance and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) Code No. (110).
    11. Curriculum (Analysis of Financial Instruments and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (111).
    12. Approach (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) Code No. (112).
    13. (Business Evaluation Competencies) Curriculum No. (200).
    14. (Business Evaluation Principles) Curriculum No. (201).
    15. The (income method) approach, code number (202).
    16. Curriculum (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (203).
    17. Curriculum (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (204).
    18. Curriculum (Valuation of Intangible Assets and Advanced Topics) Code No. (205).
    19. Curriculum (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) Code No. (401).
    20. Curriculum (General Concepts of Workshops and Evaluation Procedures) Code No. (402).
    21. Curriculum (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Assessment Profession) Code No. (300).
    22. Curriculum (Fundamentals of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) Code No. (501).
  2. Achieving a score of no less than (70) out of (100) in each written, practical, or discussion test - as the case may be - and as an exception to that; The score required for success in the Vehicle Damage Evaluation branch is no less than (80) out of (100) in each written or practical test - as the case may be -.
  1. Registration for courses, tests, and discussions takes place via the Authority’s electronic systems, and the applicant is committed to reviewing the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession, especially the general rules for the fellowship certificate and this policy, before beginning registration.
  2. The financial fee for registering in the levels shall be according to what is approved by the authority holder, and this fee shall be paid using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority.
  3. It is not permitted to register for a course, test, or discuss any training curriculum or applied practical project before passing the previous training curriculum.
  4. The applicant may retake the test or discussion - once only - if the passing requirements are not met, after paying the financial fee and submitting an application through the Authority’s electronic systems. In the event of not passing after repeating, the applicant must re-register in the training curriculum again.
  1. Registration for courses, tests, and discussions takes place via the Authority’s electronic systems, and the applicant is committed to reviewing the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession, especially the general rules for the fellowship certificate and this policy, before beginning registration.
  2. The financial fee for registering in the levels shall be according to what is approved by the authority holder, and this fee shall be paid using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority.
  3. It is not permitted to register for a course, test, or discuss any training curriculum or applied practical project before passing the previous training curriculum.
  4. The applicant may retake the test or discussion - once only - if the passing requirements are not met, after paying the financial fee and submitting an application through the Authority’s electronic systems. In the event of not passing after repeating, the applicant must re-register in the training curriculum again.
Amendment and cancellation
  1. The competent administration can cancel training courses and tests five (five) working days before the start date of the course, if the number of those registered in the course and test is less than the minimum approved by it. It also has the right to cancel at any time in cases of force majeure or emergency circumstances, and the Authority is not responsible in cases of cancellation. Included in this paragraph are any obligations or expenses.
  2. The applicant may change his registration in training courses and written tests to another location or to a later date if seats are available in the required course or test, and for one time only, without charge, if he submits his request five (five) working days before the start date of the course or test for which he was registered.
  3. The financial fee for registration in any of: (training courses/written tests not linked to training courses/discussions) is not refundable except in the following cases:
    1. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he cancels his registration a maximum of (ten) working days before the start date of the training course in which he was registered or for the test, or from the date of holding the written test that is not related to a training course, as the case may be, or in the event of the administration canceling it. Competent for the course, test or discussion.
    2. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he is absent with an official excuse accepted by the competent administration, provided that it is submitted within a maximum of (fifteen) working days from the start date of the course, test or discussion.
Amendment and cancellation
  1. The competent administration can cancel training courses and tests five (five) working days before the start date of the course, if the number of those registered in the course and test is less than the minimum approved by it. It also has the right to cancel at any time in cases of force majeure or emergency circumstances, and the Authority is not responsible in cases of cancellation. Included in this paragraph are any obligations or expenses.
  2. The applicant may change his registration in training courses and written tests to another location or to a later date if seats are available in the required course or test, and for one time only, without charge, if he submits his request five (five) working days before the start date of the course or test for which he was registered.
  3. The financial fee for registration in any of: (training courses/written tests not linked to training courses/discussions) is not refundable except in the following cases:
    1. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he cancels his registration a maximum of (ten) working days before the start date of the training course in which he was registered or for the test, or from the date of holding the written test that is not related to a training course, as the case may be, or in the event of the administration canceling it. Competent for the course, test or discussion.
    2. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he is absent with an official excuse accepted by the competent administration, provided that it is submitted within a maximum of (fifteen) working days from the start date of the course, test or discussion.
Training courses, tests and discussions

(First) Taking into account the provisions of Article (Eleventh) of the rules, the applicant shall, when attending training courses, tests or discussions, abide by what is determined by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Bring your personal ID card (national ID or residency).
  2. Instructions provided by the supervisor of a course, test, or discussion.
  3. The applicant is not entitled to enter the test or discussion after half the time, or leave the test before half the time has passed.
  4. Bring the appropriate tools he needs to enable him to take the test, including calculators and the like, as determined by the supervisor.
  5. Do not publish or disclose training curricula, test questions, or discussions, whether directly or indirectly.

(Second) The competent department may record training courses, tests, or discussions in audio and video, and review and audit the recordings whenever it deems appropriate. 
(Third) Anyone who violates the instructions contained in this policy will be subject to the penalties stipulated in the rules, including cancellation of the test or discussion.

Training courses, tests and discussions

(First) Taking into account the provisions of Article (Eleventh) of the rules, the applicant shall, when attending training courses, tests or discussions, abide by what is determined by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Bring your personal ID card (national ID or residency).
  2. Instructions provided by the supervisor of a course, test, or discussion.
  3. The applicant is not entitled to enter the test or discussion after half the time, or leave the test before half the time has passed.
  4. Bring the appropriate tools he needs to enable him to take the test, including calculators and the like, as determined by the supervisor.
  5. Do not publish or disclose training curricula, test questions, or discussions, whether directly or indirectly.

(Second) The competent department may record training courses, tests, or discussions in audio and video, and review and audit the recordings whenever it deems appropriate. 
(Third) Anyone who violates the instructions contained in this policy will be subject to the penalties stipulated in the rules, including cancellation of the test or discussion.

Controls for establishing levels or some of them via electronic means

When completing all or some of the levels via electronic means, the applicant must adhere to the instructions set by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Attending the training course or taking the test or discussion using a highly efficient computer that contains a camera and audio receiver, and they must always be on, and the camera should be directed to the face.
  2. Attending the training course, taking the test or discussion on his own and not deputizing or seeking the help of anyone else.
  3. Provide a quiet place without any people in the same place, especially during testing or discussion.
  4. Adherence to the specified dates for training courses, tests and discussions.
  5. Do not exit or attempt to exit the browser after starting the test or discussion under any circumstances.
  6. Do not tamper with the software settings designated for accessing training courses, tests, and discussions.
  7. Concentrate looking at the camera during testing or discussion, refraining from increasing movement, Or talk to others, or talk to others, or read out any question. or orally repeat the question during the discussion, or turn on any sounds or the use of any unauthorized tools or any observation of others during the test or discussion, or the existence of any scientific material, books or papers close to it and also refrain from using smart devices in any way, smart watches, earbuds or ear blocking by any means, or reading from other devices and papers, or filming or embarking on it, Or trying to stop the camera being filmed, suspended, blocked or directed other than his face, even for simple moments, not to show his whole face, or to walk away from the screen for any reason. or the use of hands and others in any type of sign language.
  8. Do not use any tools other than a calculator and a single piece of paper to solve arithmetic problems - if any - and show them on camera before and after the test or discussion.
Controls for establishing levels or some of them via electronic means

When completing all or some of the levels via electronic means, the applicant must adhere to the instructions set by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Attending the training course or taking the test or discussion using a highly efficient computer that contains a camera and audio receiver, and they must always be on, and the camera should be directed to the face.
  2. Attending the training course, taking the test or discussion on his own and not deputizing or seeking the help of anyone else.
  3. Provide a quiet place without any people in the same place, especially during testing or discussion.
  4. Adherence to the specified dates for training courses, tests and discussions.
  5. Do not exit or attempt to exit the browser after starting the test or discussion under any circumstances.
  6. Do not tamper with the software settings designated for accessing training courses, tests, and discussions.
  7. Concentrate looking at the camera during testing or discussion, refraining from increasing movement, Or talk to others, or talk to others, or read out any question. or orally repeat the question during the discussion, or turn on any sounds or the use of any unauthorized tools or any observation of others during the test or discussion, or the existence of any scientific material, books or papers close to it and also refrain from using smart devices in any way, smart watches, earbuds or ear blocking by any means, or reading from other devices and papers, or filming or embarking on it, Or trying to stop the camera being filmed, suspended, blocked or directed other than his face, even for simple moments, not to show his whole face, or to walk away from the screen for any reason. or the use of hands and others in any type of sign language.
  8. Do not use any tools other than a calculator and a single piece of paper to solve arithmetic problems - if any - and show them on camera before and after the test or discussion.
Test results and discussions
  1. The results of the tests and discussions are monitored within (twenty) working days from the date of holding the test or discussion, unless the applicant commits a violation of the provisions of the rules or policy. The results are monitored after the violation is decided, provided that the period - in this case - does not exceed (forty) working days.
  2. The results of tests and discussions appear in the applicant’s account in the Authority’s electronic systems, indicating whether or not he or she has passed.
  3. The applicant has the right to object to the competent department via the Authority’s electronic systems regarding the result of the test or discussion within a maximum period of (ten) working days from the date the applicant is notified of the result. The objection shall be registered after the applicant pays - using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority - a financial sum of (five hundred) riyals. It will be recovered if the objection is proven to be valid, and the CEO - or his authorized representative - will decide on the objection within a period not exceeding (twenty) working days from the date of its submission. This period may be extended with the approval of the CEO based on justification from the competent department.
Test results and discussions
  1. The results of the tests and discussions are monitored within (twenty) working days from the date of holding the test or discussion, unless the applicant commits a violation of the provisions of the rules or policy. The results are monitored after the violation is decided, provided that the period - in this case - does not exceed (forty) working days.
  2. The results of tests and discussions appear in the applicant’s account in the Authority’s electronic systems, indicating whether or not he or she has passed.
  3. The applicant has the right to object to the competent department via the Authority’s electronic systems regarding the result of the test or discussion within a maximum period of (ten) working days from the date the applicant is notified of the result. The objection shall be registered after the applicant pays - using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority - a financial sum of (five hundred) riyals. It will be recovered if the objection is proven to be valid, and the CEO - or his authorized representative - will decide on the objection within a period not exceeding (twenty) working days from the date of its submission. This period may be extended with the approval of the CEO based on justification from the competent department.
Granting a fellowship certificate

The fellowship certificate is granted by decision of the CEO after the applicant fulfills the conditions and regulatory requirements for obtaining the certificate, based on what is submitted by the competent department after coordination with the competent departments of the Authority.

Granting a fellowship certificate

The fellowship certificate is granted by decision of the CEO after the applicant fulfills the conditions and regulatory requirements for obtaining the certificate, based on what is submitted by the competent department after coordination with the competent departments of the Authority.

Final provisions

It is considered regular for the purposes of applying Paragraph (Second) of Article (Seventh) of the Regulations. A person who is committed to attending training courses, tests, or discussions - as the case may be - without interruption, and who has not been at one level for a period of (18) months.

Final provisions

It is considered regular for the purposes of applying Paragraph (Second) of Article (Seventh) of the Regulations. A person who is committed to attending training courses, tests, or discussions - as the case may be - without interruption, and who has not been at one level for a period of (18) months.

Training courses
Real estate
Machinery & Equipment
Vehicle damage assessment
Precious metals & gemstones
Training services
Individuals services
37 internal
Request to register for a training course

Requesting the trainee in the various branches of evaluation to register to attend one of the training courses.

41 internal
Request to register for a test

Requesting the trainee in the various branches of evaluation to register to attend a test for one of the training courses or to register for professional tests for the levels.

43 internal
Request to cancel registration in a training course or test

The trainee in the various evaluation branches requested to cancel registration in one of the training courses or one of its tests.

46 internal
Request to Register for a Retest

Requesting the trainee in the various branches of assessment to register to re-test one of the training courses that he did not pass or that he missed, or to register to re-test one of the combined tests.

47 internal
Request to change registration for another training course

The trainee in the various evaluation branches requested to change his registration for another training course.

48 internal
Request to re-correct a test

The trainee in the various assessment branches requested to re-correct the test and verify the final grade.

Government agencies services
38 internal
Request to implement a training course

A request from a government sector entity to implement a new training course in one of the evaluation branches.

42 internal
Request to nominate trainees for registration

The entity requests the nomination of a number of trainees to register to attend one of the available training courses or tests.

44 internal
Request to change nominated trainees

The entity requests a change in the number of nominated trainees scheduled to attend one of the training courses or tests in one of the evaluation branches.

Private sector services
39 internal
Request to implement a training course

A request from a government sector entity to implement a new training course in one of the evaluation branches.

40 internal
Request to nominate trainees for registration

The entity requests the nomination of a number of trainees to register to attend one of the available training courses or tests.

45 internal
Request to change nominated trainees

The entity requests a change in the number of nominated trainees scheduled to attend one of the training courses or tests in one of the evaluation branches.

Training policies

The words and expressions mentioned in this policy shall have the meanings indicated in front of each of them in Article (One) of the Accredited Valuers System issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 9/7/1433 AH and its amendments, and Article (One) of the Executive Regulations of the System issued by the decision of His Excellency the Minister Finance No. (107) dated 1/28/1445 AH, and Article (1) of the general rules for the Authority’s fellowship certificate issued by the Authority’s Board of Directors Resolution No. (3/40/M/23) dated 1/6/1445 AH.


The words and expressions mentioned in this policy shall have the meanings indicated in front of each of them in Article (One) of the Accredited Valuers System issued by Royal Decree No. (M/43) dated 9/7/1433 AH and its amendments, and Article (One) of the Executive Regulations of the System issued by the decision of His Excellency the Minister Finance No. (107) dated 1/28/1445 AH, and Article (1) of the general rules for the Authority’s fellowship certificate issued by the Authority’s Board of Directors Resolution No. (3/40/M/23) dated 1/6/1445 AH.

General Provisions
  1. The applicant must - before registering in the levels - ensure that he fulfills the legal requirements contained in the system, regulations, rules, and what is issued by the Authority in this regard, and the competent administration has the right to verify this at all levels and exclude the violating applicant.
  2. The competent administration shall announce - before the beginning of each fiscal year - the annual plan for the implementation dates of training courses, tests and discussions, their locations, and any amendments to the Authority’s electronic systems.
  3. Registration for scheduled training courses, tests, and discussions opens sufficiently in advance of the date of their holding, and registration for them is through the Authority’s electronic systems.
  4. Each of the curricula mentioned in Article Three of this policy shall have an independent written or practical test unless the curriculum includes preparing and discussing an applied practical project.
  5. The period for submitting the applied practical project for discussion in the branches (valuing real estate, valuing machinery, equipment and movable property, and valuing precious metals and gemstones) is (one hundred and eighty) days and in the branch (valuing economic establishments) (three hundred and sixty-five) days, which begins to be calculated from the day following the date of The end of the training course related to the discussion or from the date of the last session in the training track, or from the date the applicant was informed of not passing the discussion - as the case may be -.
  6. Each level is a requirement for registration in the next level.
  7. The academic qualifications that are equivalent to some level curricula are determined by a decision from the CEO, and this equation results in the applicant being considered to have passed the training course for those curricula. The equivalence of some level curricula does not prejudice the statutory requirements contained in the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession for passing the level, including the applicant’s availability of a valid membership for registration. At the second level and above.
General Provisions
  1. The applicant must - before registering in the levels - ensure that he fulfills the legal requirements contained in the system, regulations, rules, and what is issued by the Authority in this regard, and the competent administration has the right to verify this at all levels and exclude the violating applicant.
  2. The competent administration shall announce - before the beginning of each fiscal year - the annual plan for the implementation dates of training courses, tests and discussions, their locations, and any amendments to the Authority’s electronic systems.
  3. Registration for scheduled training courses, tests, and discussions opens sufficiently in advance of the date of their holding, and registration for them is through the Authority’s electronic systems.
  4. Each of the curricula mentioned in Article Three of this policy shall have an independent written or practical test unless the curriculum includes preparing and discussing an applied practical project.
  5. The period for submitting the applied practical project for discussion in the branches (valuing real estate, valuing machinery, equipment and movable property, and valuing precious metals and gemstones) is (one hundred and eighty) days and in the branch (valuing economic establishments) (three hundred and sixty-five) days, which begins to be calculated from the day following the date of The end of the training course related to the discussion or from the date of the last session in the training track, or from the date the applicant was informed of not passing the discussion - as the case may be -.
  6. Each level is a requirement for registration in the next level.
  7. The academic qualifications that are equivalent to some level curricula are determined by a decision from the CEO, and this equation results in the applicant being considered to have passed the training course for those curricula. The equivalence of some level curricula does not prejudice the statutory requirements contained in the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession for passing the level, including the applicant’s availability of a valid membership for registration. At the second level and above.

First: The levels in all approved evaluation branches shall not be less than (three) levels, and the following is a description of them and the contents of each of them according to the following: 

  1. The first level: A set of foundational knowledge, concepts, and values related to the main and subsidiary competencies of the assessment according to each branch, which is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. Training course for the (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) curriculum, code No. (102).
      3. Training course for the “Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures” curriculum, code No. (103).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Business Evaluation Competencies) curriculum, code number (200).
      3. Training course for the “Principles of Business Evaluation” curriculum, code No. (201).
      4. The training course for the “Income Method” curriculum, code No. (202).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) curriculum, code No. (401).
      3. The training course for the curriculum (general concepts about workshops and their evaluation procedures), code number (402).
    4. Vehicle damage assessment branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Evaluation Profession) curriculum, code No. (300).
      2. Training course for the (Vehicle Body Manufacturing and Design) curriculum, code No. (301).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Basics of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (501).
  2. The second level: It is based structurally on the (first) level, and through it the concepts and knowledge are linked, analysed, and applied to the evaluation profession according to each branch, in a more in-depth manner and in a functional manner that is directly related to the profession, and is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch. It is as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety) curriculum, code No. (104).
      2. Training course for the (Real Estate Valuation Using Market and Income Methods) curriculum, code No. (105).
      3. The training course for the (market analysis, higher studies, and best use of the property) curriculum, code No. (106).
      4. The training course for the curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork with code No. (107).
    2. Economic Establishments Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (203).
      2. The training course for the (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (204).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - General Industries) curriculum, code No. (403).
      2. The training course for the curriculum (Applied Evaluation of Factories, Machinery and Equipment – Specialized Industries) with code No. (404).
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (the repair process and the necessary techniques in building the vehicle and the materials used) code No. (302).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Topics in Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) with Code No. (502).
  3. The third level: represents the advanced depth of competencies, and is based structurally on the (first) and (second) levels, and through it all levels of learning are evaluated, and the applicant’s performance is measured through objective tests, and advanced applied projects within the training path for study cases that include an evaluation of various principles. Types according to each branch, and presenting a project prepared and discussed by the applicant. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Real Estate Development and Evaluation Using the Residual Value Method) curriculum, code No. (108).
      2. Training course for the (Land Economics and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (109).
      3. The training course for the (Application of Accounting, Finance, and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) curriculum, code No. (110).
      4. Training course for the (Financial Instruments Analysis and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (111).
      5. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) with Code No. (112).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Intangible Assets Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (205).
      2. Presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - Supplementary Project) curriculum, code No. (405), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Study Cases for Vehicle Damage Evaluation) curriculum No. (303), and practical cases for vehicle damage evaluation.
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Supplementary Project for Evaluating Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (503), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
  4. The fourth level: represents the advanced stages of competencies in some branches of assessment that require intensive qualification, and is based structurally on the previous levels, and through it the applicant’s performance is measured through advanced applied projects within the training track for study cases that include evaluation of assets of various types according to each branch, and the presentation of a project. Prepared by the applicant and discussed. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (fourth) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Commercial Real Estate Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (113/114), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
      2. The training course for the (Evaluation of Hotels, Recreational and Historical Properties) curriculum No. (115/116), presenting and discussing an applied practical project.

Second: The requirements for passing the levels for all approved assessment branches are as follows: 

  1. Attending training courses for the approved curricula at the levels at a rate of no less than (75%) of the duration of each individual course, as an exception to this; The applicant has the right to register directly for the tests without attending the training courses - exclusively - in the following curricula:
    1. Curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) Code No. (001).
    2. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) Code No. (102).
    3. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures) Code No. (103).
    4. Approach (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Occupational Health and Safety Principles) Code No. (104).
    5. (Real estate valuation using market and income methods) approach, code number (105).
    6. Methodology (market analysis and studies of the highest and best use of the property) with code No. (106).
    7. Curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork) Code No. (107).
    8. (Real estate development and evaluation using the residual value method) approach, code No. (108).
    9. Curriculum (Economics of Land and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (109).
    10. Curriculum (Application of Accounting, Finance and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) Code No. (110).
    11. Curriculum (Analysis of Financial Instruments and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (111).
    12. Approach (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) Code No. (112).
    13. (Business Evaluation Competencies) Curriculum No. (200).
    14. (Business Evaluation Principles) Curriculum No. (201).
    15. The (income method) approach, code number (202).
    16. Curriculum (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (203).
    17. Curriculum (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (204).
    18. Curriculum (Valuation of Intangible Assets and Advanced Topics) Code No. (205).
    19. Curriculum (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) Code No. (401).
    20. Curriculum (General Concepts of Workshops and Evaluation Procedures) Code No. (402).
    21. Curriculum (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Assessment Profession) Code No. (300).
    22. Curriculum (Fundamentals of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) Code No. (501).
  2. Achieving a score of no less than (70) out of (100) in each written, practical, or discussion test - as the case may be - and as an exception to that; The score required for success in the Vehicle Damage Evaluation branch is no less than (80) out of (100) in each written or practical test - as the case may be -.

First: The levels in all approved evaluation branches shall not be less than (three) levels, and the following is a description of them and the contents of each of them according to the following: 

  1. The first level: A set of foundational knowledge, concepts, and values related to the main and subsidiary competencies of the assessment according to each branch, which is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. Training course for the (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) curriculum, code No. (102).
      3. Training course for the “Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures” curriculum, code No. (103).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Business Evaluation Competencies) curriculum, code number (200).
      3. Training course for the “Principles of Business Evaluation” curriculum, code No. (201).
      4. The training course for the “Income Method” curriculum, code No. (202).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) curriculum, code No. (401).
      3. The training course for the curriculum (general concepts about workshops and their evaluation procedures), code number (402).
    4. Vehicle damage assessment branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Evaluation Profession) curriculum, code No. (300).
      2. Training course for the (Vehicle Body Manufacturing and Design) curriculum, code No. (301).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (first) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) with code No. (001).
      2. The training course for the (Basics of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (501).
  2. The second level: It is based structurally on the (first) level, and through it the concepts and knowledge are linked, analysed, and applied to the evaluation profession according to each branch, in a more in-depth manner and in a functional manner that is directly related to the profession, and is presented through a number of training courses for the approved curricula according to each branch. It is as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Principles of Occupational Health and Safety) curriculum, code No. (104).
      2. Training course for the (Real Estate Valuation Using Market and Income Methods) curriculum, code No. (105).
      3. The training course for the (market analysis, higher studies, and best use of the property) curriculum, code No. (106).
      4. The training course for the curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork with code No. (107).
    2. Economic Establishments Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (203).
      2. The training course for the (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) curriculum, code No. (204).
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - General Industries) curriculum, code No. (403).
      2. The training course for the curriculum (Applied Evaluation of Factories, Machinery and Equipment – Specialized Industries) with code No. (404).
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (the repair process and the necessary techniques in building the vehicle and the materials used) code No. (302).
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (second) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Topics in Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) with Code No. (502).
  3. The third level: represents the advanced depth of competencies, and is based structurally on the (first) and (second) levels, and through it all levels of learning are evaluated, and the applicant’s performance is measured through objective tests, and advanced applied projects within the training path for study cases that include an evaluation of various principles. Types according to each branch, and presenting a project prepared and discussed by the applicant. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Real Estate Development and Evaluation Using the Residual Value Method) curriculum, code No. (108).
      2. Training course for the (Land Economics and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (109).
      3. The training course for the (Application of Accounting, Finance, and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) curriculum, code No. (110).
      4. Training course for the (Financial Instruments Analysis and Real Estate Investment) curriculum, code No. (111).
      5. The training course for the curriculum (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) with Code No. (112).
    2. Economic Enterprises Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. Training course for the (Intangible Assets Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (205).
      2. Presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    3. Machinery, Equipment and Movable Property Evaluation Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Applied Evaluation of Machinery and Equipment - Supplementary Project) curriculum, code No. (405), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
    4. Vehicle Damage Assessment Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Study Cases for Vehicle Damage Evaluation) curriculum No. (303), and practical cases for vehicle damage evaluation.
    5. Precious Metals and Gemstones Appraisal Branch, the (third) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Supplementary Project for Evaluating Precious Metals and Gemstones) curriculum, code No. (503), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
  4. The fourth level: represents the advanced stages of competencies in some branches of assessment that require intensive qualification, and is based structurally on the previous levels, and through it the applicant’s performance is measured through advanced applied projects within the training track for study cases that include evaluation of assets of various types according to each branch, and the presentation of a project. Prepared by the applicant and discussed. This is to ensure that the applicant is prepared to practice the profession in accordance with the requirements of the labor market and with performance consistent with the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession. It is provided through a number of training courses based on the approved curricula according to each branch, and practical projects prepared by the applicant according to the requirements of each branch, which are as follows: 
    1. Real Estate Valuation Branch, the (fourth) level consists of training courses for each curriculum according to the following:
      1. The training course for the (Commercial Real Estate Evaluation) curriculum, code No. (113/114), and presenting and discussing an applied practical project.
      2. The training course for the (Evaluation of Hotels, Recreational and Historical Properties) curriculum No. (115/116), presenting and discussing an applied practical project.

Second: The requirements for passing the levels for all approved assessment branches are as follows: 

  1. Attending training courses for the approved curricula at the levels at a rate of no less than (75%) of the duration of each individual course, as an exception to this; The applicant has the right to register directly for the tests without attending the training courses - exclusively - in the following curricula:
    1. Curriculum (Regulatory Frameworks for the Evaluation Profession and International Evaluation Standards) Code No. (001).
    2. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Principles) Code No. (102).
    3. Curriculum (Basic Real Estate Valuation Procedures) Code No. (103).
    4. Approach (Cost Method, Building Materials, and Occupational Health and Safety Principles) Code No. (104).
    5. (Real estate valuation using market and income methods) approach, code number (105).
    6. Methodology (market analysis and studies of the highest and best use of the property) with code No. (106).
    7. Curriculum (Real Estate Systems, Principles of Urban Planning, Sustainability, and Teamwork) Code No. (107).
    8. (Real estate development and evaluation using the residual value method) approach, code No. (108).
    9. Curriculum (Economics of Land and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (109).
    10. Curriculum (Application of Accounting, Finance and Taxation Principles in Real Estate Valuation) Code No. (110).
    11. Curriculum (Analysis of Financial Instruments and Real Estate Investment) Code No. (111).
    12. Approach (Advanced Methods in Real Estate Valuation Using the Income Method) Code No. (112).
    13. (Business Evaluation Competencies) Curriculum No. (200).
    14. (Business Evaluation Principles) Curriculum No. (201).
    15. The (income method) approach, code number (202).
    16. Curriculum (Case Studies for Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (203).
    17. Curriculum (Advanced Topics in Evaluating Economic Enterprises) Code No. (204).
    18. Curriculum (Valuation of Intangible Assets and Advanced Topics) Code No. (205).
    19. Curriculum (Principles in Evaluating Machinery, Equipment, and Evaluation Methods) Code No. (401).
    20. Curriculum (General Concepts of Workshops and Evaluation Procedures) Code No. (402).
    21. Curriculum (Regulatory Framework for the Vehicle Damage Assessment Profession) Code No. (300).
    22. Curriculum (Fundamentals of Valuing Precious Metals and Gemstones) Code No. (501).
  2. Achieving a score of no less than (70) out of (100) in each written, practical, or discussion test - as the case may be - and as an exception to that; The score required for success in the Vehicle Damage Evaluation branch is no less than (80) out of (100) in each written or practical test - as the case may be -.
  1. Registration for courses, tests, and discussions takes place via the Authority’s electronic systems, and the applicant is committed to reviewing the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession, especially the general rules for the fellowship certificate and this policy, before beginning registration.
  2. The financial fee for registering in the levels shall be according to what is approved by the authority holder, and this fee shall be paid using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority.
  3. It is not permitted to register for a course, test, or discuss any training curriculum or applied practical project before passing the previous training curriculum.
  4. The applicant may retake the test or discussion - once only - if the passing requirements are not met, after paying the financial fee and submitting an application through the Authority’s electronic systems. In the event of not passing after repeating, the applicant must re-register in the training curriculum again.
  1. Registration for courses, tests, and discussions takes place via the Authority’s electronic systems, and the applicant is committed to reviewing the provisions and rules regulating the evaluation profession, especially the general rules for the fellowship certificate and this policy, before beginning registration.
  2. The financial fee for registering in the levels shall be according to what is approved by the authority holder, and this fee shall be paid using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority.
  3. It is not permitted to register for a course, test, or discuss any training curriculum or applied practical project before passing the previous training curriculum.
  4. The applicant may retake the test or discussion - once only - if the passing requirements are not met, after paying the financial fee and submitting an application through the Authority’s electronic systems. In the event of not passing after repeating, the applicant must re-register in the training curriculum again.
Amendment and cancellation
  1. The competent administration can cancel training courses and tests five (five) working days before the start date of the course, if the number of those registered in the course and test is less than the minimum approved by it. It also has the right to cancel at any time in cases of force majeure or emergency circumstances, and the Authority is not responsible in cases of cancellation. Included in this paragraph are any obligations or expenses.
  2. The applicant may change his registration in training courses and written tests to another location or to a later date if seats are available in the required course or test, and for one time only, without charge, if he submits his request five (five) working days before the start date of the course or test for which he was registered.
  3. The financial fee for registration in any of: (training courses/written tests not linked to training courses/discussions) is not refundable except in the following cases:
    1. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he cancels his registration a maximum of (ten) working days before the start date of the training course in which he was registered or for the test, or from the date of holding the written test that is not related to a training course, as the case may be, or in the event of the administration canceling it. Competent for the course, test or discussion.
    2. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he is absent with an official excuse accepted by the competent administration, provided that it is submitted within a maximum of (fifteen) working days from the start date of the course, test or discussion.
Amendment and cancellation
  1. The competent administration can cancel training courses and tests five (five) working days before the start date of the course, if the number of those registered in the course and test is less than the minimum approved by it. It also has the right to cancel at any time in cases of force majeure or emergency circumstances, and the Authority is not responsible in cases of cancellation. Included in this paragraph are any obligations or expenses.
  2. The applicant may change his registration in training courses and written tests to another location or to a later date if seats are available in the required course or test, and for one time only, without charge, if he submits his request five (five) working days before the start date of the course or test for which he was registered.
  3. The financial fee for registration in any of: (training courses/written tests not linked to training courses/discussions) is not refundable except in the following cases:
    1. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he cancels his registration a maximum of (ten) working days before the start date of the training course in which he was registered or for the test, or from the date of holding the written test that is not related to a training course, as the case may be, or in the event of the administration canceling it. Competent for the course, test or discussion.
    2. The full amount of money paid to the applicant will be refunded if he is absent with an official excuse accepted by the competent administration, provided that it is submitted within a maximum of (fifteen) working days from the start date of the course, test or discussion.
Training courses, tests and discussions

(First) Taking into account the provisions of Article (Eleventh) of the rules, the applicant shall, when attending training courses, tests or discussions, abide by what is determined by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Bring your personal ID card (national ID or residency).
  2. Instructions provided by the supervisor of a course, test, or discussion.
  3. The applicant is not entitled to enter the test or discussion after half the time, or leave the test before half the time has passed.
  4. Bring the appropriate tools he needs to enable him to take the test, including calculators and the like, as determined by the supervisor.
  5. Do not publish or disclose training curricula, test questions, or discussions, whether directly or indirectly.

(Second) The competent department may record training courses, tests, or discussions in audio and video, and review and audit the recordings whenever it deems appropriate. 
(Third) Anyone who violates the instructions contained in this policy will be subject to the penalties stipulated in the rules, including cancellation of the test or discussion.

Training courses, tests and discussions

(First) Taking into account the provisions of Article (Eleventh) of the rules, the applicant shall, when attending training courses, tests or discussions, abide by what is determined by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Bring your personal ID card (national ID or residency).
  2. Instructions provided by the supervisor of a course, test, or discussion.
  3. The applicant is not entitled to enter the test or discussion after half the time, or leave the test before half the time has passed.
  4. Bring the appropriate tools he needs to enable him to take the test, including calculators and the like, as determined by the supervisor.
  5. Do not publish or disclose training curricula, test questions, or discussions, whether directly or indirectly.

(Second) The competent department may record training courses, tests, or discussions in audio and video, and review and audit the recordings whenever it deems appropriate. 
(Third) Anyone who violates the instructions contained in this policy will be subject to the penalties stipulated in the rules, including cancellation of the test or discussion.

Controls for establishing levels or some of them via electronic means

When completing all or some of the levels via electronic means, the applicant must adhere to the instructions set by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Attending the training course or taking the test or discussion using a highly efficient computer that contains a camera and audio receiver, and they must always be on, and the camera should be directed to the face.
  2. Attending the training course, taking the test or discussion on his own and not deputizing or seeking the help of anyone else.
  3. Provide a quiet place without any people in the same place, especially during testing or discussion.
  4. Adherence to the specified dates for training courses, tests and discussions.
  5. Do not exit or attempt to exit the browser after starting the test or discussion under any circumstances.
  6. Do not tamper with the software settings designated for accessing training courses, tests, and discussions.
  7. Concentrate looking at the camera during testing or discussion, refraining from increasing movement, Or talk to others, or talk to others, or read out any question. or orally repeat the question during the discussion, or turn on any sounds or the use of any unauthorized tools or any observation of others during the test or discussion, or the existence of any scientific material, books or papers close to it and also refrain from using smart devices in any way, smart watches, earbuds or ear blocking by any means, or reading from other devices and papers, or filming or embarking on it, Or trying to stop the camera being filmed, suspended, blocked or directed other than his face, even for simple moments, not to show his whole face, or to walk away from the screen for any reason. or the use of hands and others in any type of sign language.
  8. Do not use any tools other than a calculator and a single piece of paper to solve arithmetic problems - if any - and show them on camera before and after the test or discussion.
Controls for establishing levels or some of them via electronic means

When completing all or some of the levels via electronic means, the applicant must adhere to the instructions set by the competent administration, in particular the following:

  1. Attending the training course or taking the test or discussion using a highly efficient computer that contains a camera and audio receiver, and they must always be on, and the camera should be directed to the face.
  2. Attending the training course, taking the test or discussion on his own and not deputizing or seeking the help of anyone else.
  3. Provide a quiet place without any people in the same place, especially during testing or discussion.
  4. Adherence to the specified dates for training courses, tests and discussions.
  5. Do not exit or attempt to exit the browser after starting the test or discussion under any circumstances.
  6. Do not tamper with the software settings designated for accessing training courses, tests, and discussions.
  7. Concentrate looking at the camera during testing or discussion, refraining from increasing movement, Or talk to others, or talk to others, or read out any question. or orally repeat the question during the discussion, or turn on any sounds or the use of any unauthorized tools or any observation of others during the test or discussion, or the existence of any scientific material, books or papers close to it and also refrain from using smart devices in any way, smart watches, earbuds or ear blocking by any means, or reading from other devices and papers, or filming or embarking on it, Or trying to stop the camera being filmed, suspended, blocked or directed other than his face, even for simple moments, not to show his whole face, or to walk away from the screen for any reason. or the use of hands and others in any type of sign language.
  8. Do not use any tools other than a calculator and a single piece of paper to solve arithmetic problems - if any - and show them on camera before and after the test or discussion.
Test results and discussions
  1. The results of the tests and discussions are monitored within (twenty) working days from the date of holding the test or discussion, unless the applicant commits a violation of the provisions of the rules or policy. The results are monitored after the violation is decided, provided that the period - in this case - does not exceed (forty) working days.
  2. The results of tests and discussions appear in the applicant’s account in the Authority’s electronic systems, indicating whether or not he or she has passed.
  3. The applicant has the right to object to the competent department via the Authority’s electronic systems regarding the result of the test or discussion within a maximum period of (ten) working days from the date the applicant is notified of the result. The objection shall be registered after the applicant pays - using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority - a financial sum of (five hundred) riyals. It will be recovered if the objection is proven to be valid, and the CEO - or his authorized representative - will decide on the objection within a period not exceeding (twenty) working days from the date of its submission. This period may be extended with the approval of the CEO based on justification from the competent department.
Test results and discussions
  1. The results of the tests and discussions are monitored within (twenty) working days from the date of holding the test or discussion, unless the applicant commits a violation of the provisions of the rules or policy. The results are monitored after the violation is decided, provided that the period - in this case - does not exceed (forty) working days.
  2. The results of tests and discussions appear in the applicant’s account in the Authority’s electronic systems, indicating whether or not he or she has passed.
  3. The applicant has the right to object to the competent department via the Authority’s electronic systems regarding the result of the test or discussion within a maximum period of (ten) working days from the date the applicant is notified of the result. The objection shall be registered after the applicant pays - using the electronic payment methods approved by the Authority - a financial sum of (five hundred) riyals. It will be recovered if the objection is proven to be valid, and the CEO - or his authorized representative - will decide on the objection within a period not exceeding (twenty) working days from the date of its submission. This period may be extended with the approval of the CEO based on justification from the competent department.
Granting a fellowship certificate

The fellowship certificate is granted by decision of the CEO after the applicant fulfills the conditions and regulatory requirements for obtaining the certificate, based on what is submitted by the competent department after coordination with the competent departments of the Authority.

Granting a fellowship certificate

The fellowship certificate is granted by decision of the CEO after the applicant fulfills the conditions and regulatory requirements for obtaining the certificate, based on what is submitted by the competent department after coordination with the competent departments of the Authority.

Final provisions

It is considered regular for the purposes of applying Paragraph (Second) of Article (Seventh) of the Regulations. A person who is committed to attending training courses, tests, or discussions - as the case may be - without interruption, and who has not been at one level for a period of (18) months.

Final provisions

It is considered regular for the purposes of applying Paragraph (Second) of Article (Seventh) of the Regulations. A person who is committed to attending training courses, tests, or discussions - as the case may be - without interruption, and who has not been at one level for a period of (18) months.